On improving the legal regulation of the Institute of wills in Russia

  • Пурге Анна Роландовна

    A. R. Purge. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vladivostok. Russia


The analysis of the institution of the will as an institution that ensures the expression and execution of the last will of a person is a necessary tribute to the property that has been acquired and created by a person over the entire period of his life. The objective growth of the
property solvency of Russian citizens, the complication of existing social relations, the succession of which is no longer limited to the transfer of property, should also lead to increased legislative attention to testamentary relations, to the will as a manifestation of the last will.
The subject of the study was a set of civil law relations arising in relation to inheritance by will. The analysis of theoretical issues of the development of the Institute of inheritance by will. The research methodology is based on the principles of philosophy (dialectical, system-
structural methods), logic (methods of analysis, synthesis) and the theory of knowledge (historical, statistical research  methods).  Special  scientific provisions of the theory of law, civil law, family law, comparative law, and other General scientific and special scientific methods
of cognition were also applied. It is through the analysis of testamentary relations of practice that it is possible to determine how much respect the legislator treats citizens who purposefully and thoroughly relate to the issue of distribution of their property after their death.
Keywords:  will, closed will, posthumous donation, hand-signed will, executor, trust management, inheritance contract.
